WHO: All North Scott Students (Pre-K - 5 year olds through 8th)
WHERE: North Scott Wrestling Facility located at 401 South 14th Avenue , Eldridge (old rec center building)
3-8th Grade: Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm
K-2nd Grade: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:30-7:45 pm
5th through 8th graders ONLY - Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00 p.m,
GIRLS ONLY - Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
7th & 8th GIRLS ONLY - Mondays through Fridays - 4 to 6 p.m. with the high school girls
1. 11/10 - Dewitt
2. 11/16 - Amamosa
3. 11/24 - Pleasant Valley
4. 12/1 - Davenport West
5. 12/8 - Tipton
6. 12/8 - Davenport Central
7. 12/22 - North Scott
8. 12/28 - Wilton
9. 1/5 - Assumption
10. 1/19 - Bettendorf
11. 1/26 - Durant
Beginning Monday, August 12, 2024, online registration opens.
October 23, 2024: Singlet Handout/Picture Night/Parent Meeting at North Scott High School wrestling room/gym
Singlet Handout will happen about 30 minutes before designated individual pictures:
Individual Pictures: 3rd through 8th graders: 6:30 pm
Individual Pictures: PreK – 2nd grades: 7:00 p.m.
Group Picture following individual pictures for the Club Poster
Parent meeting/announcements in cafeteria during group photos
November 4th: First Practice 3rd-8th Grades @ Wrestling Facility
(and every Monday and Wednesday following through 2/25/25) from 6:30-8:30
November 5th: First Practice PreK-2nd Grade @ Wrestling Facility (and every Tuesday and Thursday following through 2/27/25) from 6:30-7:45
November 30: Alumni Meet at 6:00 pm @ NS High School Pit (more information to follow)
TBA: Club Night & ALS Awareness Night at North Scott High School
December 4 and 5th: ButterBraid/Cookie Dough Order forms are due (beginning and end of practice)
TBA: Lancer Midwest Tournament, North Scott High School
TBA: ButterBraid/Cookie Dough Pick Up, 5-6:30pm @ North Scott Wrestling Facility
TBA: Senior Night at North Scott High School meet
February 2, 2025: AAU Districts at Bettendorf High School
February 22 and 23rd, 2025: AAU Kids State – Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines
March 1st and 2nd, 2025: Super Pee Wee State – Young Arena in Waterloo
TBA: AAU Girls State in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
TBA: Pizza Party/Award Night in High School Cafeteria
If there is no school due to snow days or early outs due to bad weather: There is NO PRACTICE. If the roads are bad – STAY HOME!
3rd – 8th Practice Room:
Kris Davis - 563-320-1408
Chad Matthaidess - 309-737-0158
Tim Green - 563-209-6883
Ryan Terrell - 309-830-1662
1. Introduction of amateur folkstyle wrestling in a fun, positive, and safe atmosphere.
2. Developing values of good sportsmanship, hard work, discipline, team unity, and pride in being a North Scott Lancer.
3. Provide understanding of rules and instruction of moves used in wrestling.
4. Inform and assist wrestlers in signing up & attending tournaments if desired.
1. Wrestling or gym shoes, gym shorts and t-shirts. NO JEANS or STREET SHOES! No team singlet is to be worn to practice. If you'd like to wear a singlet for practice, it needs to be a different singlet.
2. Team singlet RENTAL is included in the sign-up fee. Rental is for one year and the singlet must be returned at or before the pizza party to receive awards. If the singlet is not returned, a statement will be mailed out for $85 (the cost of a new singlet).
3. Headgear is not required at practice but may be at tournaments.
PreK through 8th - $65 for the season
If you participate in Junior High Wrestling, the fee for the season is $35
AAU cards for districts and state or USA Membership cards (if needed) ARE NOT included in registration and need to be purchased individually. There is a link on the homepage to purchase AAU cards. If you want to be down on the floor at State or in your son's corner at either Districts or State, you need an adult AAU card. There is a background check for adults so do not wait until the last minute to purchase those.
Silent Auction and Raffle Items that are sold at the North Scott Alumni Wrestling Meet and Lancer Wrestling Club Exhibition Dinner and Concessions will be available.
Please contact Lori Matthaidess at (563)559-0637; Elspeth Bethard at (563) 209-6879 to donate items (baskets, gift cards, etc) for the raffle/auction.
Butter Braids/Cookie Dough – Information handed out at Picture/parent meeting night

Additional North Scott Wrestling Club Information:
1. Practices are voluntary. Please attend as many as your wrestler would like. Coaches understand that there may be other family obligations that may prevent attending practice. You do not need to email or text us if you miss practice
2. Please have your child wear other shoes to practice and if they have wrestling shoes, please change into them at practice – do not wear wrestling shoes outside the wrestling room. No street shoes on the wrestling mats!
3. It is IMPORTANT that your child shower after EACH practice to reduce the risk of ringworm and other skin infections. Wrestling mats are cleaned daily, but skin infections can still occur. If you are not sure about a skin infection or rash, please ask a coach. Most importantly, if your child has a skin infection or any other illness, they should not be wrestling at practice or tournaments.
4. Our club is allowed to use North Scott facilities at no cost. We need to respect this privilege and abide by the school rules and requests made by NS officials/staff. We are only permitted to use the wrestling rooms and restrooms. GYM FLOORS and hallways are off limits.
5. Practices are open for PreK-2 parents to attend. Please abide by the “seen but not heard” policy as to not distract the wrestlers or coaches.
6. Parents are asked to sit out of practices for grades 3-8. If you would like to be close by, you can wait outside the room or in the parking lot.
7. TOURNAMENTS: Tournaments are a fantastic way for your wrestler to measure how well they are doing, build confidence, have fun, and earn recognition. Feel free to ask a coach or other wrestling parents for recommendations on tournaments. Each wrestler and their family decide which tournaments to enter. On the Home Page, there are links that take you to Iowa Youth Tournaments, IA Wrestle and Track Wrestling websites to find tournaments and to register for them.
After attending a tournament, submit the tournament name, wins, losses, pins, etc. on the virtual clipboard. This information is used to order GUTS shirts, weekly pins, and year-end awards. You can access the Virtual clipboard on our home page under the tab for the virtual clipboard. It can also be accessed via our social media pages and below email signature from club beginning in November.
9. GUTS Club T-shirts - Given to each wrestler who participates in a minimum of five tournaments during the club season. Shirts are ordered and handed out at practice. Coaches or mat moms will not be responsible for delivering awards if your child is not at practice.
10. Sportsmanship is expected by EVERYONE at tournaments and at practices. If we experience a problem with your child’s behavior at practice, he will be asked to leave. Same goes for the parents.
11. Pizza Party Award Night – We conclude our wrestling season with an award banquet. Club issued singlets and any donated shoes MUST be turned in at that time, if not already done so, to receive any awards. We also ask for donations of old wrestling gear (shoes, headgear, etc.) for the following year. Coaches or mat moms will not be responsible for delivering awards if your child is not at the pizza party.
12. Check the North Scott Wrestling Club's website, Facebook and Twitter pages, your e-mail and text messages for updates, information, and announcements.
13. Any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected]